Imagine the Possibilities – Travel

Imagine the Possibilities – Travel

“We live in a world of nearly endless possibilities and have more opportunities at our fingertips than any generation before us. Every place can be traveled to, every adventure can be lived, and every industry can be disrupted. We just have to do it. Everything seems possible, and yet, we dream big and do little.”  Simon Lieberum, The Action Gap

Living vs. Existing

Have we stopped living with authentic passion and purpose?  When did it become ok for us to exist in the same, worn out, habitual, mundane experience day after day after day?  When did we stop chasing our dreams?  We often can’t remember exactly when our dreams vanished, they just seem to slowly fade away with time.

When we were children, we gazed at the stars and dreamt with wild abandon. We spun tales of far-off places, of heroes and heroines, of uncharted territories waiting to be explored. Yet, somewhere along the way, reality and responsibilities came knocking, casting shadows on those vibrant dreams. The clamor of daily life drowned out the gentle hum of our imaginations, pushing it into obscurity.

The Magic of Imagination

It is time for us to remember that we are equipped with an amazing magic mirror, that can and will generate our visions into reality.  It’s called our Imagination.  Its primary function is creation.  It’s time to clean off this mirror and remember how it works. 

In truth, our imaginations never left us. They’ve been patiently waiting, hidden beneath layers of self-doubt, societal expectations, and mundane chores. They are waiting for that spark, that moment of recognition when we realize that dreaming is not just for children but for everyone who dares to see beyond the ordinary.

Wonderful adventures are yours for the taking.  Where do YOU want to go?  What do YOU want to see?  Picture that far-off place you once dreamed of visiting.  Feel it with every fiber of your being.  Then book the trip and go do it.

Dream big, imagine with abandon, and then step into the world to make those dreams a reality. When you dare to dream and take action, you don’t just exist; you truly live.

Imagination whispers to you to come in and play, where will yours take you? 

With Love,


We would like to thank all the artists who have knowingly or unknowingly contributed to the Zen of Tripello imagery that we have creatively modified.  If you recognize any of your work, please leave a comment in the post.  We would love to honor you with a reference and get to know you.  We are amazed by your creativity.  Thank you for bringing beauty to the world. 

Read more about the Zen of Tripello here.

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