Feel you need to get away?  TRAVEL

Feel you need to get away?  TRAVEL

“One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm.” Ella Maillart

Wash, Rinse, Repeat:  The Cycle of Modern Life

Everyone, everywhere, has had the urge to ‘get away’.  It’s part of the human experience.  We are not meant to live the monotonous life that our modern society has dictated to us.  We were meant to explore, dream, experience, and let life express itself through us.  There is not much life in monotony and routine. 

The modern world, with its nine-to-five jobs, endless meetings, and constant digital connectivity, often traps us in a cycle of repetition. This repetitiveness diminishes the colors of life, turning them to grayscale, where days blur into each other, leaving us craving for a splash of color, a new experience. This is when the heart whispers, “I need to get away.”

Listen to your Heart

Travel is not just about moving from one place to another; it’s a transformative journey that changes us from within. It’s about breaking the chains that bind us to the mundane and finding liberation in the vast expanse of the world.

The whisper of the wind in the trees, the simple joy of a serene sunset in an unknown land or just breathing the air in a wide-open space- these are the moments that rejuvenate the soul.

When we feel that primal urge to get away, how awesome would it be if we listened?  When the heart is urging us to break free, don’t suppress it.  Embrace it.  Let the world surprise and inspire you.

Go Travel, get away from the routine, find your enthusiasm for life again, and most importantly, take it back home with you. 

With Love,


We would like to thank all the artists who have knowingly or unknowingly contributed to the Zen of Tripello imagery that we have creatively modified.  If you recognize any of your work, please leave a comment in the post.  We would love to honor you with a reference and get to know you.  We are amazed by your creativity.  Thank you for bringing beauty to the world. 

Read more about the Zen of Tripello here.

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